3D measurement and 3D printing
We perform highly accurate and fast 3D measurement and comparison of products, components and molding tools/injection molds with CAD models up to the size of 300 x 300 x 165 mm (height x width x depth) for the automotive, electrical, and consumer industries using Baty Venture 3030 3D CNC, a state-of-the-art multi-sensor optical measuring device. The device combines the advantages of touch probe measurement and non-contact measurement provided by a high-resolution color camera. An invaluable feature is the CNC mode. In this mode, the device saves all the information related to the part so that when an identical part is inserted, the machine will perform the measurement without the need for further operations. The machine is operated by an experienced and qualified worker/operator.
We also have a new FDM 3D printer for printing parts with a maximum size of 250x210x220 mm. Based on a 3D model, the part is printed by depositing thin precise filaments of ABS Plus with a thickness of 0.25 mm or 0.33 mm in individual layers.