Facultative compensation and other areas of activity
Facultative compensation
The Employment Act No. 435/2004 Coll. imposes an obligation on employers with more than 25 employees to employ persons with disabilities, with a mandatory share of these individuals in the total number of employees set at 4%. Failure to fulfill this obligation requires the employer to pay to the state budget an amount equal to 2.5 times the average salary for each person with a disability that should have been employed annually. If your organization does not employ the required number of employees with disabilities, you can fulfill this obligation by purchasing products or services from ČEGAN, a sheltered workshop and member of the Association of Employers of Disabled People in the Czech Republic. This not only helps you save considerable financial resources but also contributes to the integration of disabled fellow citizens.

Holar charitable foudation
The Holar Charitable Foundation was established for the purpose of publishing significant psychological titles that are, from the perspective of the founder of ČEGAN s.r.o., Slavoj Čegan, an important legacy for future generations.
"Almost everyone strives to do something for others and create something that would remain for future generations. The work of C.G. Jung belongs to the world's legacy and forms the foundation of modern psychology. Thanks to our efforts, it has been translated into the Czech language and is available to those interested in studying it. The life's work of prominent Czech psychologist Tomáš Novák, consisting of fifty years of his practice, should be preserved for future generations to the greatest extent possible. We are happy to contribute to this."